Hello everybody can we use this space to share any interesting or helpful tips on Voicethread.
How is everybody finding it and what do ye think of it as a tool for collaboration and creating digital conversations? Could you see yourself using it as a tool in your own classrooms.? These tools of collaboration are relatively new so it is helpful if we can share these experiences and come up new understandings for all of us.
This is a simple 5 minute Youtube clip on Voicethread which gave me a few new insights.
Thanks for that Sue, great to hear you are enjoying it.Do you think the learning curve is too steep for the class you have or the technology too fragile?
I've successfully uploaded mine as a pdf file - I was having problems with the powepoint - the file was most likely too large for voice thread - maybe try saving yours as a pdf also and see how you go...
Do you think you could deliver a full class in Voicethread, and get the students to interact and respond? Or is it more suitable for short presentations, I wonder? Thanks Ollie.